The Development of Professor Maths

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Professor Maths activities have been designed by Primary School maths teachers, one who had over 40 years experience in the classroom. Each individual set of activities has had around two years of research and development including testing with teachers and students before they are released into an incursion.

It is our strong belief that children learn best when physically involved in their own learning.

upcoming-geniuses-300x194The Professor Maths activities involve students by being ”Hands-On” and hence make it easy for students to understand the concepts of mathematics.

Many of the Professor Maths activities are also based on well known and tested games, dating back centuries.

Professor Maths activities are designed to be played in groups, so that students co-operate and interact together developing social skills.

Having Fun with Maths!Some of the activities also incorporate aspects of science and the environment offering a more rounded and practical understanding of mathematics.

Being “Hands-On”, Professor Maths’ Activities cater for students of all levels of ability.

Professor Maths also welcomes parents to attend and join in, enabling them to become involved in school activities!

ayay21-300x193We will also organise a timetable template for you. All you have to do is choose the particular classes to suit, saving your precious time. As teachers, we understand how busy your schedule is already so we also list the learning outcomes expected for each visit.

Renee Kennedy, Assistant Principal, Skye Primary School: ” … are certainly well prepared and are making this very easy with your notes, quick emails and organisation…..Thank you!”

Please see what teachers have been saying about our visits in our “Teacher Feedback” section. We have had such a wonderful response from all schools visited and we would love to come to your school too. We guarantee it will be loved by all!

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